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Draw charts in application using AChartEngine

This code helps to draw a chart in your application using 'AChartEngine' charting library. There are various other charting libaray in Android like:

  1. ChartDroid
  2. Android Plot
  3. rapidAndroid
  4. GraphView
  5. Java Charts for Android
  6. AChartEngine

But here we will go with AChartEngine, AChartEngine supports the following chart types:
  • lineChart
  • Area Chart
  • Scatter Chart
  • Time Chart
  • Bar Chart
  • Pie Chart
  • Bubble Chart
  • Doughnut Chart
  • Range (high-low) bar chart
  • dial chart / gauge
  • combined ( any combinatiob of line, cubic line, scatter, bar, range bar, bubble ) chart
  • cubic line chart
Follow the steps mentioned below for Importing that library into your project:
  1. First download that library from the above link.
  2. Now create a folder named "libs" in your project and copy paste the achartengine.jar file inside the libs folder.
  3. Now Right click on the project name -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Under Libraries tab -> Add Jar -> click on your project name -> libs -> achartengine.jar -> OK
  4. Now you have successfully Imported achartengine.jar file into the application.
  5. Now write the below code in java class:
Here I have created a file (source file) named aChartExample

public class aChart_Example {
private GraphicalView mChartView2;
private GraphicalView mChartView3;
static int count=5;
int[] Mycolors = new int[] { Color.RED, Color.DKGRAY, Color.BLUE, Color.parseColor("#800080"),Color.parseColor("#008000"),Color.GRAY };
public Intent execute(Context context,RelativeLayout parent) {
int[] colors = new int[count];
for(int i=0;i<count;i++)
DefaultRenderer renderer = buildCategoryRenderer(colors);
 renderer.setPanEnabled(false);// Disable User Interaction
 //renderer.setChartTitle("Total Assets");
CategorySeries categorySeries = new CategorySeries("Pets");
categorySeries.add("Dogs", 5);
categorySeries.add("Cats", 6);
categorySeries.add("Birds", 8);
categorySeries.add("Fish", 23);
categorySeries.add("Other Pets", 40);
mChartView2=ChartFactory.getPieChartView(context, categorySeries,renderer);
return ChartFactory.getPieChartIntent(context, categorySeries, renderer,null);
protected DefaultRenderer buildCategoryRenderer(int[] colors) {
DefaultRenderer renderer = new DefaultRenderer();
for (int color : colors) {
SimpleSeriesRenderer r = new SimpleSeriesRenderer();
return renderer;

And please refer the activity main class as:

public class MyAppActivity extends Activity {
RelativeLayout LayoutToDisplayChart;
    /** Called when the activity is first created. */
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        Intent achartIntent = new aChart_Example().execute(MyAppActivity.this,LayoutToDisplayChart);
The Output of the above code is :
