Category Archives: Android Studio
Generate SHA1 And MD5 Certificate from Android Studio Without CMD
How to get SHA1 key certificate in Windows, Mac and Linux using the easiest method without debug.keystore. SHA1 key certificate also known as Secure Hash Algorithm is a type of protected combine set of instructions that make a dependable secure connection between two or multiple devices / server. SHA1 also…
Install And Configure Kotlin Plugin in Android Studio Tutorial
Kotlin is a type of statically typed programming language for multiple platforms and runs on JVM ( Java Virtual Machine ). Kotlin is developed by IntelliJ IDEA. IntelliJ IDEA also developed the Android Studio IDE. Kotlin is now officially available on Android Studio 3.0 version, But if you have a older version of…
Fix This view is not constrained Android Studio Error Solution Tutorial
Solve element selector must be declared Error in Android Studio
How to fix selector, shape, item and set XML file attributes error in Android Studio drawable resource file project error. External resource XML file is one of the most important for android projects because whenever android developer need to implement any kind of layout related designing like setting up different…
Import Add Google Play Services library in Android Studio Build.Gradle File
How to manually add com google android gms:play-services, ads, wearable and maps libraries inside android app project. Google play services library is basically divided into 4 different libraries developed for each unique purpose. The basic google play services library is mostly used to integrate Google+ login and Google analytics inside android…
Solve this support library should not use a different version than the compilesdkversion Error in Android Studio
How to remove compile sdk version library error from build gradle (Module:app) dependencies file. Build.Gradle( Module:app ) file is one of the most important file inside android studio which contains all the valuable information like compileSdkVersion, buildToolsVersion, minSdkVersion, targetSdkVersion, buildTypes and dependencies. Inside dependencies scope android developers can add libraries compile name and they…
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