Lesson 1. Introduction
Good afternoon!
This is an introductory lesson. We will not code anything here. In this lesson I will enlighten reasons why I decided to create this site.
Lesson 2. Installing and configuring development environment Eclipse and SDK Tools
To write programs we need a development environment. Google recommends to use Eclipse for this purpose with Android Development Tools (ADT) plugin. In this lesson we will have a look in detail how to install and configure this development environment.
Lesson 3. Creating AVD. The first application. Android project structure
To test our applications we will need an Android Virtual Device (AVD). It is an Android smartphone emulator, where Eclipse can install and launch our applications. Let’s create it.
Lesson 4. Layout elements and their properties
Let’s have a look how is screen content composed in Android applications.
Lesson 5. Layout-file for Activity. XML Representation. Changing screen orientation
In the last lesson we have learnt that Activity reads a layout-file and displays what is configured in it. Now let’s find out how Activity knows which specific file to read.
Lesson 6. Layout types. Key differences and properties
Positioning of View-elements on the screen depends on the ViewGroup (layout), inside which they are located. In this lesson we will observe main types of Layouts.
Lesson 7. Layout parameters for View-elements
In this lesson we will:
- examine screen properties;
- explore layout parameters (height, width, margin, gravity, weight)
- explore layout parameters (height, width, margin, gravity, weight)
Lesson 8. Working with layout elements from code
In this lesson we will:
- learn how to refer to View-elements on the screen from code and change their properties
Lesson 9. Event listeners with Button example
In this lesson we will:
- learn how to process button clicks and find out what a listener is.
Lesson 10. Optimizing event listeners implementation
In this lesson we will:
- learn how to use one listener for several View-elements
- teach Activity to to act as a listener
- teach Activity to to act as a listener
Lesson 11. res/values folder. Using application resources
In this lesson we will:
- find out what is res/values folder needed for, what can you store in it and how to use it.
Lesson 12. Logs and Toast messages.
In this lesson we will:
- look through application logs and Toast messages
Lesson 13. Creating a simple menu
In this lesson we will:
- create menu items
Lesson 14. Menu, groups, order. MenuInflater and xml-menu
In this lesson we will:
- create menu items with IDs
- group and sort menu items
- group and sort menu items
Lesson 15. Context menu
In this lesson we will:
- create a context menu
Lesson 16. Creating layout programmatically. LayoutParams
In this lesson we will:
- create layout programmatically, not using layout-files
Lesson 17. Creating View-components in a running application
In this lesson we will:
- add components to the screen while application is running
Lesson 18. Changing layoutParams in a running application
In the this lesson we will:
- change layout-parameters for already existing screen components
Lesson 19. Creating a simple calculator
In the this lesson we will:
- write a calculator application
Lesson 20. Animation
In the this lesson we will:
- explore animation of View-components
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