When a beginner tries to develop Android App he/she becomes confuse what to use for storing data and most importantly how to store it. Here in this Android Database category we will provide complete solution for that by sharing tutorial on different options available to store different types data in Android App. Our each tutorial will contain at least 1 example and free code to download which you can easily import in Android Studio.
This will be an advance category for Android Developer where we share tutorial on Android Database such as SQlite, internal storage, external storage, firebase, cloud and lots more.
Prerequisite For Android Database Tutorial:
Before you begin Android programming below are the prerequisite needed:
Android programming is mostly done in JAVA language. So before you begin Android programming you must be comfortable with JAVA and OOPS concepts. If you are new to Android we recommend you to check out our JAVA for Android section where we have shared in-depth tutorial on JAVA.
Once you are done with JAVA the next thing you need is basic knowledge of XML for designing UI of Android App. Even though Android Studio has drag and drop for designing UI but still you will need to learn XML if you want your UI is highly user interactive. You can check out Design Android UI section to learn it.
Android Studio And SDK:
Lastly you will need Android Studio and SDK for creating Android Apps. They both are available for free download.
Android Database Tutorial:
Click on the link to read full tutorial on Database:
- Internal Storage – In this tutorial we are going to learn about internal storage of data/files in Android App using example or you can say the primary memory of your phone.
- External Storage – In this tutorial we gonna study about storage of data/files in android external storage or you can say the secondary memory/SD card of your phone.
- Shared Preference – Shared Preference in Android are used to save data based on key-value pair. If we go deep into understanding of word: shared means to distribute data within and preference means something important or preferable, so SharedPreferences data is shared and preferred data.
- SQLite In Android – SQLite is a Structure query base database, open source, light weight, no network access and standalone database. Android has built in SQLite database implementation.
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